Shulamith Oppenheim

The World Invisible

ISBN: 978-0-9792451-1-4
221 pages
5 x 8

June 2007

On a warm October day only a few years past the middle of the 18th century, a boy was born on Unst, the most northerly isle of Shetland. He was named Michael Magnus, laird of Burrafirth. His father, Laurence Bruce, gave the title to his son immediately. It was good, he said, for the boy to grow up knowing who he was and what such a rank entailed.

When Michael turned five, his mother died, her lifeless body found among the seals who sing on the shores of Burrafirth. Now that the boy is nine, he needs a tutor. But the question must be asked, which one will be the teacher and which one will be the tutor?

Shulamith Oppenheim is the esteemed author of several books for children and young adults, many of them influenced by her extensive travels and her interests in folk tales, fairy tales and Middle Eastern culture.

The World Invisible previously published by Ace Fantasy Books/The Berkley Publishing Group.

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